Mind Pick
Here at Mind Pick, we pick the brains of various people ranging from everyday people to business professionals. Our goal is to create exciting and engaging content which provokes the mind through interesting conversation. We hope you enjoy!
Mind Pick
How Number Six With Cheese started
Aidan J Montoya
Episode 24
- How did you get the name Numbersixwithcheese?
- At what moment did you say “hey I want to start a business”
- What goals/objectives do you have for your business and life?
- What did you do before food reviewing?
- Why did you both move to Chicago?
- How did you guys meet in improv class?
- Do you think that the improv classes helped you with what you do?
- Do you guys do anything else besides food reviews?
- Is there a process behind your videos?
- What drives you to keep creating?